Tuesday, January 11, 2011


1) Complete Task 1 for My Idea Book if you have not done so. The task can be found from ADMT google site under S203. If you are not able to find, please refer to the task below.

2011 Term 1 Wk 1 Task 1:
How many uses for a brick can you think of? Start by trying to come up with 50 different uses in 15 mins.

2) My Idea Book
2011 Term 1 Wk 2 Task 2:
Pick a topic such as kitchens, baths, shopping malls, garage, transportation, or whatever subject you prefer. Next choose an area within that topic you consider a chore, tedious, or a problem to everyone. Breakdown that problem and get to the root of the problem. Now you have an opportunity for a new invention. Do this for an hour with as many topics as you can.
Complete task 2 in your idea book in the following format

Chore/Tedious/Problem for everyone: ______________
Idea: The ideas is in the form of sketches.

3)In your groups, answer the following questions in your shared google document. I will be checking on your work virtually!

i) What is toy?
ii) Is game considered a toy?
iii) What are the different types of toys? Classify them.

Deadline: By the end of the lesson. Chairman please help to collect the sketchbook and placed them in S203 pigeon hole outside the staff room.

What's up for the next lesson?
You are to bring your favourite toy and share with the class. Please do not bring soft toy.

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